It's a Small World, After All

I am currently a SIZE FOUR.
I don't think I've ever been a size four: I went from wearing kids' clothes to wearing a size eight.
Was I fat before? I thought I was about average. But now I can't imagine being four sizes larger than I am now.
I'm smaller than I was when I used to run three or four times a week, and I don't exercise or watch what I eat (except for avoiding dairy -- which I never had much of anyway -- and soy).
I guess I have breastfeeding to thank.
Don't hate me because I'm skinny. I'm sure once Henry weans this will all be only a dream. A lovely, size four dream.
Wow! Way to go! Good for you! (Alfie Kohn is retching at this moment)
Seriously, though, I found that breastfeeding was a FANTASTIC weight loss program after babies 1 and 2. After three, uh, not so much... :(
Enjoy it! And nurse for years to keep it off (and to keep Henry happy!)
bfmomma, at 12:55 PM
Are you sure I'm not allowed to hate you? All the breastfeeding I'm doing brought me down to a size 12 (barely).
I have a friend who gained back ALL of her pregnancy weight after her daughter weaned. Ack. I think I'm going to join a gym. If I could ever find the time ...
Anonymous, at 7:15 PM
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