No Heavy Lifting

We walked up to the park and watched the ducks, checked out the tot lot (with baby swings!) and took lots of pictures. Henry fell asleep six blocks from home and it was so nice to have my warm baby snuggled up against me as I walked in the sunshine.
Unfortunately, I think it was walking with that nice, warm 23.5 pound baby that caused me to throw out my back the following day.
I was talking on the phone to my sister on Tuesday, Henry playing nearby, when I felt a shooting pain in my back. I lay down, thinking resting for a few minutes would help, said goodbye and hung up the phone, and tried to get up.
For FIFTEEN MINUTES I tried one way and then another to get off the floor, with Henry crawling on me and crying. Finally I called my husband and asked him to come home from work. And he did, immediately, no questions asked.
Over the next few days my sister came and then my mom to help with Henry. I'm feeling a bit better now, but my husband will be home for the next three days and I'm hoping to avoid lifting my little chunky monkey and let my back heal.

What I'd like to know is, if my occupation is usually listed as "stay-at-home mom", does this incident qualify for workers' compensation?
Oh no, Kay! I am so sorry that that happened. I hope you continue to recover quickly!
Anonymous, at 1:35 PM
So sorry Kay! I hope you're feeling better soon ...
Anonymous, at 2:52 PM
Hope you're feeling better (enough to post again soon)!
Anonymous, at 10:38 PM
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