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I've been reporting the cute and/or funny things Henry says on my Facebook account lately instead of here, so I thought I'd copy some of my posts over for posterity:
From May:
[New Mama]'s son's breadth of love for his mommy has expanded from "to the moon and back" to "to the moon and back and EVERYWHERE and back."
From June:
[New Mama]'s son told her at bedtime, "I don't want you to ever die, because I love you. So see what you can do."
[New Mama]'s son was watching the workers pouring a neighbor's new driveway when he suddenly said, "I've noticed that almost all the workers have tattoos."
[New Mama] had terrible insomnia last night, but she's still smiling because as Henry was falling asleep last night he buried his face in her hair, breathed deeply, and said, "Your hair smells pretty, Mommy."
[New Mama] inexplicably provoked this outburst from Henry in Target today: "You're making my life DIFFICULT!" (Update: I was telling the neighbors this anecdote in front of Henry and when I said, "I don't know what I said to provoke that outburst," Henry said, "You were kissin' me!")
From July:
[New Mama] is still amused. Yesterday I tried reading "The Monster at the End of this Book" for the first time to Henry. One page in and he silently grabbed the book out of my hands, closed it and threw it on the couch.
[New Mama] to her son: "How did you get so cute?" Henry: "I'm coot because you're coot." Awww...but wait... "No, I'm coot because Daddy's coot."
[New Mama] hears this constantly throughout the day (and sometimes in the night): Mom! (Yes, Henry?) I love you.
[New Mama] was trying to play along with Henry's pretending, like always, when Henry said, "NO! You're interruptin' my PLAYTIME!"
From August:
[New Mama] was with her family having dinner at Rio West Cantina when her son (loudly) asked, "Is this Mexican food made by real Mexicans?"
[New Mama]'s son just said, "I love you. SO much. More than anything else in the world."
[New Mama] just had the following conversation with her four-year old:
Henry: Where's the cat?
Me: I don't know. I haven't seen her since we got home.
Henry: Maybe she chewed on a cord and died or somethin'?"
(Yes, we got a cat recently. More on that later.)
From May:
[New Mama]'s son's breadth of love for his mommy has expanded from "to the moon and back" to "to the moon and back and EVERYWHERE and back."
From June:
[New Mama]'s son told her at bedtime, "I don't want you to ever die, because I love you. So see what you can do."
[New Mama]'s son was watching the workers pouring a neighbor's new driveway when he suddenly said, "I've noticed that almost all the workers have tattoos."
[New Mama] had terrible insomnia last night, but she's still smiling because as Henry was falling asleep last night he buried his face in her hair, breathed deeply, and said, "Your hair smells pretty, Mommy."
[New Mama] inexplicably provoked this outburst from Henry in Target today: "You're making my life DIFFICULT!" (Update: I was telling the neighbors this anecdote in front of Henry and when I said, "I don't know what I said to provoke that outburst," Henry said, "You were kissin' me!")
From July:
[New Mama] is still amused. Yesterday I tried reading "The Monster at the End of this Book" for the first time to Henry. One page in and he silently grabbed the book out of my hands, closed it and threw it on the couch.
[New Mama] to her son: "How did you get so cute?" Henry: "I'm coot because you're coot." Awww...but wait... "No, I'm coot because Daddy's coot."
[New Mama] hears this constantly throughout the day (and sometimes in the night): Mom! (Yes, Henry?) I love you.
[New Mama] was trying to play along with Henry's pretending, like always, when Henry said, "NO! You're interruptin' my PLAYTIME!"
From August:
[New Mama] was with her family having dinner at Rio West Cantina when her son (loudly) asked, "Is this Mexican food made by real Mexicans?"
[New Mama]'s son just said, "I love you. SO much. More than anything else in the world."
[New Mama] just had the following conversation with her four-year old:
Henry: Where's the cat?
Me: I don't know. I haven't seen her since we got home.
Henry: Maybe she chewed on a cord and died or somethin'?"
(Yes, we got a cat recently. More on that later.)
What an adorable boy!
Anonymous, at 6:42 PM
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