Tomorrow We Drop Him Off at the Mall

Today, upon awakening, Henry said, "Dad. Dad. Dad."
At first I wasn't sure what he was saying, but then I noticed he was referring to me as "Mom."
He just woke up and starting calling us "Mom" and "Dad" instead of "Mama" and "Dada." And that continued right up until I got him off to sleep an hour ago.
What's next? Calling us by our first names?
that is SO sweet!
bfmomma, at 7:22 AM
actually, my oldest did go through a phase of calling me by my first name. and the oldest two know to yell my first name when they are looking for me in a crowd.
however, i am still "mama", even to my almost 11 year old. :)
mamafitz, at 7:54 AM
Ohmygosh, my girl just started calling me Mom too! I can't take it! It was Mama, then Mommy (which was a hard enough transition), but Mom is way too teenager.
Anonymous, at 6:45 PM
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