I have many, many things to say about what Henry's been up to, but because it's getting late I'll just post a photo for now. It's not the best -- a little out of focus -- but his smile is just the cutest.
It's so funny because I was just thinking "New Mama needs to post a Henry photo and an update"...and voila! You did! Yay for you! I'm glad to hear about the 10 thousand percent increase in your life. :) Makes all the trouble of moving totally worth it. Sounds like a fabulous place. And Henry is growing like a week, such a little man!
It's so funny because I was just thinking "New Mama needs to post a Henry photo and an update"...and voila! You did! Yay for you!
I'm glad to hear about the 10 thousand percent increase in your life. :) Makes all the trouble of moving totally worth it. Sounds like a fabulous place.
And Henry is growing like a week, such a little man!
Anonymous, at 12:04 AM
er, growing like a WEED is what I meant to say. ACK.
Anonymous, at 12:05 AM
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