Summerfest, Part Deux
My husband, Henry and I just got back from Summerfest, where we pretty much did everything but listen to music -- a total turnaround from our lives PH (Pre-Henry) when we'd go several times, but only to see specific bands. We did try to take Henry to see a friend's band, but even with his sound-dampening headphones on he seemed kind of freaked out by how loud it was.

So we got some lunch, played in the children's area, petted a lizard,

explored the newly opened Lakeshore State Park

-- which included walking down a ramp to a floating deck --

played in the splash pad,

and overall had a wonderful, family-friendly day.

So we got some lunch, played in the children's area, petted a lizard,

explored the newly opened Lakeshore State Park

-- which included walking down a ramp to a floating deck --

played in the splash pad,

and overall had a wonderful, family-friendly day.

I'm sorry you didn't get to listen to any music, but glad everything else was fun! How busy was it?
We're going on MOnday for Family Free Day with the McF's. We're going to hear 2nd Thought--a band made up of kids from the WFB Middle School!
bfmomma, at 7:54 PM
Oh, that sounds like fun! We were there from about 1-4pm and it wasn't all that busy. We had two free tickets (and Henry got in free) or I don't know that we could have afforded it -- parking and food were expensive enough. We had a good time, though!
True Mama, at 9:49 PM
The headphones photo is hilarious! I love it!
Glad you got to spend some quality family time together. :)
And I loved seeing photos of you and your family...good to put a face to a name.
Leigh Steele, at 10:15 PM
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