In the Tradition of The Family Circus...
...(a comic strip I find really annoying), I'm turning today's blog entry over to Henry, who lately seems to be paying really close attention to everything I do.

Currently reading:

Currently reading:
- Goodnight Moon
- Pat the Bunny
- Big Red Barn
- Touch and Feel Baby Animals
- One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
- Baby Einstein: Mirror Me! (a personal fav)
- Shortnin' Bread
- You Are My Sunshine
- Bumping Up and Down
- Going to the Zoo
- The Mockingbird Song
- Loud noises
- Having my nails cut
- Being by myself
- A tummy full of mommy milk
- Being held
- Naked time (but a risky proposition for Mommy and Daddy)
- Sucking my thumb
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