Music Appreciation

Last night Henry had a very bad time of it. He'd had a fever for over 24 hours and I suspect he has a molar coming in, because he was practically inconsolable.
At one point I was sitting up in bed rocking him, and the only way I could get him to stop crying was to sing to him. When I finished my rendition of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" he lifted his head off my shoulder, put his little hands together, and clapped.
Oh, my boy.
Poor guy ... I hope his teeth are feeling better soon. You must have one heck of a voice ;)!
Anonymous, at 5:45 PM
awww... almost makes it worth being up in the middle of the night, doesn't it?
Hope I'll see you at playgroup today. :)
bfmomma, at 9:15 AM
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