Eight Things About Me
I've been tagged by Caitlin to post "Eight Things About Me." Here they are.
- My favorite movie is It's a Wonderful Life.
- I was carjacked at gunpoint when I was twenty-one.
- My second toe is longer than my big toe on both feet.
- I have been to Germany (twice), Amsterdam, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Italy.
- In 1993 I attended in the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights.
- I used to play guitar and sing and have written several songs.
- If I were a boy I would have been named David.
- I dropped out of Girl Scouts after the first meeting.
Oh boy...OK, lemme think and I"ll let you know when I post!
Anonymous, at 11:43 AM
"I was carjacked at gunpoint when I was twenty-one."
Eeek! Sorry to hear that. That puts us in the same club. :(
Caitlin, at 7:10 PM
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