The Henry-to-English Dictionary
Henry's been talking up a storm. Here are a few gems:
- Home DEEM-poh: Home Depot
- Booey, stah-bee, ras-bee: Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries
- Ahp-so: Outpost, our natural foods co-op
- Henny Hoe-nie: his name, Henry's particularly funny when he mimics my inflection: HEN-ny HOE-nie!
- Bock PAH-tee: block party
- Doan wan to: don't want to
- Top-pee: coffee
- Wa-wa mo-mo: watermelon
- Yi-yay: library
- P'AHgo (soft "g" sound): parking garage -- or translated literally, "parking garage door"
- Ohnee: open
- Poptorn: popcorn
- Bean BEE-tull: green beetle
- Bimpler: sprinkler
- Ace Hah-doe: Ace Hardware
- Fuht bah: fruit bar
- Wa-wa bah-wull: water bottle
- Tuit: carrot
- Suzie: scissors
- Bain-bint: bacon
- Boonie: building
- Happy Tooey!: Happy Birthday (to you)
How totally cute! What a great idea to share these and remember...
And I cannot believe how totally grown up he looks in his photos. :)
Anonymous, at 1:08 AM
Sooooo cute! I love toddler-talk. Makes my heart swoon.
Caitlin, at 10:11 AM
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